Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 2: Shutter Speed

#1: Frozen action


ISO: 400
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter speed: 1/1000

(my husband)
This was my favorite style to photograph this week. It was pretty easy to find actions that looked good frozen.

#2: Implied motion


ISO: 200
Aperture: f/20
Shutter Speed: 1/30

(my niece)
This was my least favorite style to photograph this week. :) I had a hard time picking subjects that made this effect look successful; most of my pictures just looked like they were blurry by accident. I do think this one was somewhat successful, and I like the idea of a little girl swinging her feet. I don't remember for sure why I cut off her head... I think it was an artistic choice, but I'm not totally sure it worked in this particular setting.

#3: Panning


ISO: 200
Aperture: f/16
Shutter Speed: 1/30

(another niece)
I'm guessing the background would blur better if my subject were moving faster, or maybe I needed to slow down the shutter speed even more. I do think that the closer I was to my subject, the better the blur was. Near/far at it again.


  1. I think that you did pretty good. I just made a new blog. this is the url address:

  2. Loved the panning shot Shella and your hubby looks like he was on a trampoline he jumped so high!
